This animation tells the story of Captain Planet's mess, a super hero who's not living his best times and gets mad at the people who doesn't take care of the planet Earth.
Captain Planet Rampage
Do you know Mr Stunt? Better not. DO NOT PRESS THE RED BUTTONS. He wont stop of taking a big and nasty shit. Really disgusting.
Interactive Mr Stunt
Do you want to know was the arrive of Beckam to Spain? well here you have it, excellent animation :D
The arrive of Beckam
Great Bruno Bozzeto animation explain in how this world was created, but also how they shitted after...
A fun animation about a little demon that tries to help a kid with his math homework. As you can see, he's not that good with numbers.
Leo Satan
This time you are taken on a fantasy adventure deep in the ocean, where you must accompany your little friend in his quest for stolen jewelry. ... The challenge of the game is to keep pace with the string of pearls.
The seashell
Fighting fun between small stick dolls full of the hardest punches and thumps, with fire and incredible powers. Don’t lose it!
Pink Army
It is really screw the life of an egg, the poor life of it, all an adventure up to find its mother
The life of an egg
Original animation where you can see the troops of Santa Claus deplying by all the world with the objective if giving away presents.
The army of Santa Claus
Mr Stunt wants to fly. Do not lose the stunts of this super character that is quite filthy. ¿ What can you expect of ass face?
Mr Stunt Butt Bird
A perfect experimental game for Valentine's Day. You'll have to find the best way to show all the love this couple feels. Use your mouse.
Moon Wish
Our main two characters will live a dangerous adventure in a cave. Don't miss this amazing animation.
Dragon gem Last battle