Do you know this singer bird with his version of the song “Still loving you” of Scorpions?
Singing bird
Pulse over any egg and you will take a surprise, each one its different, these little eggs are very funny jeje
A musical animation with a good version of the song Californication by the Red Hot Chili Peppers as a background. Turn the volume up and enjoy a great musical moment.
Kalifornication Life
You can not miss this cool animation where Mashimaro uses an original weapon to defeat his enemy Godzilla.
Mashimaro Godzilla bugaloo
Do you want to know was the arrive of Beckam to Spain? well here you have it, excellent animation :D
The arrive of Beckam
Pencilmation 23 The Wheel Mc Coy
To commit a crime it must be all quite perfectly controlled otherwise looks what happens...
The Perfect Murder
This is a funny animation with a Tetris game. The ending will be so funny you won't even expect it. Don't miss this!
Pencilmation 24
A fun animation about an old robot that tells the story of his civilization to a little robot boy. A story where the greedy humans took advantage of them and polluted the earth.
It seems that in the room something has missed, lets find out if you can realize what it is, whatch carefully
Something missed
Prepare to see a dance in your honour. Write your name in the box, press GO and enjoy the music and the view.
Dirty Dancing
This is a fun animation with a great song dedicated to moustaches, a very masculine element that's not very seen nowadays. According to this song, though, women love moustaches!