Help the zombies fly as much as they can. Use all the amazing weapons, such as missile, fire extinguishers and even bombs. Use the arrows to swing the weapon and the space bar to let go of it. The numbers work for the updates.
Fly ombie Fly
The city has been destroyed by a zombie army. You are the only survivor. How long can you last? Move with W,A,S,D. Point and shoot with the mouse. Press 1,2,3,4 to change weapon. Press I to see the inventory, speak or open doors.
Days 2 die the other side
Zombies Survival
You have to kill the stickmen at the theater and make it look like an accident. Click on items and people to cause chain reactions. Do it quickly!
Click Death Theater
You must stop the spaceship before reaches the colony. Move with W,A,S,D. Point and shoot with the mouse. Change weapon with the mouse wheel or with the arrow keys from 1 to 4.
Space killer
Enter a violent garden where everyone is shooting at you. Use the mouse to aim and shoot. Click over the reload button when you get out of ammo.
Battle garden
Help this cute girl rescue her friends, you gotta aim well and shoot the zobmies without hurting her friends. Use the arrow keys to move and space bar to shoot.
Beauty Vs Zombies
Help this man to infiltrate in the dangerous district to kill all criminals on his way. Move with W,A,S,D and shoot with your mouse.
My Friend Pedro
Aim well and shoot the zombies. Don't let them see you or they'll kill you. Use your mouse to play, S,D to hide.
Zombie Blocking
Monster Catcher
You can play as Human and also as a Zombie. As a Zombie you must eat humans to increase your energy and as Human look for the food boxes. Step away from the robots. The zombie dogs can only be killed by a landmine. Reach the signaled points to complete your mission. Press E to activate the objects. Move with W,A,S,D. Shoot with the mouse. Press Q to use the powers. Press the space bar once to leave the mine and press again to detonate it.
Zombieman 2
StrongBow is a delicious beverage but also a new defense game in which you have to shoot attacking knights, build and send out your own warrior army. Move with A,S,D,W. Use your golden coins to buy new armament.
Strong Bow