Robot Tarantula
Find the way to open the door and get to your destiny. You must move the golden blocks or find a key.
Aengie quest
Use the mouse to deploy the rows of Makos at the right side, left upside or down up to make it correspond at least 3 Makos of the same color. Score points and get yourself up to the next level.
Dismount the puzzle before the time finishes. You can retire a piece if at the moment of leaving the mouse over, a white signal appears on each one of the corners. The errors are penalized.
Click on groups of three or more similar jewels and remove all of them before touch the top screen. Use your mouse.
Jewels Wall
Solve the different puzzle with the minimum possible movements. Use the mouse to play.
Complete the puzzles with the parts that are in the inferior part of the screen. Drag them with the mouse and rotate them by clicking them with the left button of the mouse.
Bear and cat
Diwali Lights
Regular Show Trick or Treat
A fun puzzle game, where you have to put the identical balls together, there has to be more than three. The more you get, the more points you earn. Use your mouse.
Cat Match 3
Jingled Pieces