FPS where you must shoot a lot of enemy soldiers. You are alone, so do not let them kill you and save your life. Earn points and upgrades. Play with mouse.
Brave Soldier
Will you manage to be the best army by land, sea and air? Once you have selected with the left buttons what you want to use, attack your opponents by clicking on them with the mouse.
Humaliens Battle vs Battle Gear
Show the world how good you are and put the dynamite on the right spot to bring down the bridge and kill the enemy soldiers. Use your mouse.
Dead Convoy
A great fighting animation between two groups of allien soldiers trying to get a secret information. Attack and hit hard! You can't miss it!
Drive a motor boat, shoot to the Japanese airplanes while you jump the highest possible
The Return to Pearl Harbor
Lanzar Misiles
Fly over Irak and bombard the hides of the mains complexes of the helpers of Saddam
Iraq Attack
Squad rifles
Leader strike
Build military facilities, robots, tanks... Train your soldiers and protect the earth from the aliens. First read the tutorial of the game.
Starcraft war of honor
Battleship war multiplayer
War and ability game where you will have to shoot and redirect missiles from a tank. Use the mouse to guide the missile to the target but taking care of not to collide with the obstacles.
Effective Attack