Range of the Dead
The mafia is chasing you. Escape from them as you can. Use the arrows to move your character and shoot with A.
Tommy Gun
Find the door that will let you escape or you will die. Move with A,S,D,W and aim you flashlight with the mouse. If you see a moving door don't open it!!
Boogey Man
You're a human smasher machine and you need to take a certain amount of victims per level. Press X or space bar to smash them.
Spike Love Story Too
Ragdoll Randy The Clown
Eggboats vs Zombies
You are an alien with a very important mission, getting rid of the zombies and staying away from the monsters. Use the arrows to move and jump on them to kill them. There are some you'll just have to avoid.
Zombie Crusher
Violent video clip with a hard rock band and a lot of blood and guns.
Fight against a complete army in this jungle's heart. Move with W,A,S,D. Press E to throw grenades and R to place mines. Point and shoot with the mouse. Press the space bar to jump and Ctrl to dock. Change weapon with 1,2,3.
Gun master jungle
This is a great ninja adventure where you need to get rid of the zombies before they kill you. Hit W,A,D to move, F to attack and mouse to cut off their heads. Q,E to change weapons.
Ninja Vs Zombies 2
Anna is the only survivor from a virus that attacked the city, but the living dead won't live her alone while she tries to find her brother. AIm well and get rid of the zombies. Use your mouse to shoot and space bar to recharge. Pick the weapons with keys 1,2,3,4,5.
Vanish Rain
Zombie Playtime