Robot Bee
Choose your favorite character of "Injustice Gods Among Us" and use your powers to hit your enemies to win the victory.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use Arrow keys and A,S,D.
Injustice Gods Among Us
Fight against the whole gang. Use A,S,D,W to move it. B,N,M to beat and jump and the space bar to change weapon.
Crazy Flasher 3
Fight with your sword and shotgun against the halloween monsters. At the start of the game you can watch the tutorial to help you how to play.
With your axe you will have to face all the ninjas that appear in the woods. Use the arrows to move and press A,S,D,W to attack and avoid the hits.
Tiny battle
Fight with the Once Peace anime characters and kill all the enemies. Move with A and D, jump with K and hit with J. You can use the special attack with U,I,L.O and change characters with Q.
The Anime World
Try to throw to the river to your adversary hitting him with the walking stick. If you make click over or under your character you will give a high or low punch to your oponent.
Fire vs Water Fights
Get deep into the Luis cave and destroy the machines that are feeding his dream and fight against his powers. Move with the arrow keys. Press A to attack.
Cave of wonders
Andy Law
Choose your favourite character and get ready to crush zombies without mercy! All commands are displayed before the game...
Crazy Zombie 9 The Last Heroes
Make boxing in a funny and comic way with the protagonists of the elections in the United States... To protect you use the left arrow, the A key, the down arrow on the keyboard and the S. If you want to give a punch press the right arrow and the D, and a strong punch by pressing the up arrow + W.
Election Punch OFF