Place your cards before than your adversary over the main cards. The order can be rising or decreasing 1-10,J,Q,K,A, . Use the mouse.
Solitaire Farm Seasons 3
Windows FreeCell XP
Phase 10
Great rol card game. Beat your adversary attacking with the sword, magic or with poison while you try to maintain your health. If you reach the 100 karma points you will get an special card. The poison takes life from your adversary till he uses an antidote.
Doyu card battle
Naegi Poker
Drag all your cards to the pile in the middle before the computer does. The up arrow indicate a superior number, the down arrow indicate a inferior number. The red cards change the sense of the arrows.
New edition of the classic Solitaire where you'll have fun while you remove the cards on the board. Pay attention on the card on the right footer and depending on this card you'll have to build a leadership. INSTRUCTIONS: Use your mouse.
Tripeaks Solitaire
Solitaire Flower Garden
Ali Baba Solitaire
This is a card game similar to Mahjong. You gotta play with an elf and find the card couples. Use your mouse.
Onn Elf Solitare
Double Tower of Hanoi Solitaire
Tiki Solitaire