Evil aliens have bought the enterprise of this executive and he needs run away from the building. Help him or it be too late! Use space bar or the mouse to jump.
I Quit Must Dash
Avoid that the unicorn falls and crashes with the rocks or stars, collecting the maximum number as possible of butterflies. Press Z to jump and X to make himself a ball of fire.
Robot Unicorn Attack Heavy Metal
Find the sacred sword and become the next king. YOu must overcome many obstacles and dangerous things in this game. Use arrow keys to move and find out all the secrets of this mysterious land!
Obby Halloween Danger Skate
This is the strangest platform game that we have had in juegosdiarios.com, consisting of going thought the comics, dodging those peculiar obstacles... Start playing after clicking the left and right arrow, and the spacebar (please click with the mouse on the screen if there is not answer), after moving across the stage with the arrow keys. Jump with the spacebar.
Comics + Videogames
The firebug is back in a new adventure that will drive you crazy. Run and jump on the platform getting food and finding the way out. The whole place will burn slowly as the firebug touches it. You must be fast.
Firebug 2
Dracula Quest Fun for Blood
A great platforms game where you have to help Stick get through many obstacles and mortal traps. Clim the walls and jump. Some surfaces will move so be careful. Use arrow keys.
Minion Double Adventure 2
Help this funny king get to the end of the screen by going up and up. Don't let the monsters win!
Kings Ascent
This is not a typical platform game. Use arrow keys to move the TV. Your goal is to guide the TV til the other side of the screen avoiding the traps. Press S to enter in the exit door.
Crash Tv
Help this robot free the fish. You gotta explore looking for new weapons and skills till you rescue the fish. Use the arrows to move, Z to jump and X to attack.
Robot Wants Fishy