This animation tells the story of Captain Planet's mess, a super hero who's not living his best times and gets mad at the people who doesn't take care of the planet Earth.
Captain Planet Rampage
¿Do you want to know how it will be the windows of the future? well now you can see it on this great flash animation
Guindows 2010
A new chapter of the Pencimation that we assure will make you laugh. Have fun with the pranks that will be played to the chef, a not very patient guy.
Pencilmation 27
This is the history from Adan and Eve. Adan is left at the Earth by aliens. Now he feels alone and he gets bored. Only ask for some company.
Adans and Eves History
I havent seen a annoying kid ever in my all life, and it seems fool, lets see if we look more to the mirror
Do something
A new animation of a bloody Stick battle. Don't miss how they try to destroy themselves hitting hard. Guess who'll win!
Entertaining animation where you can see the different kinds of revenge from your couple (man or woman).
Relationship Revenge
Don't miss the last Pencilmation adventure and laugh at Frankenstein's ideas, and other Halloween characters of course.
Pencilmation 29
A great animation where you can choose several dances that George Bush will perform.
Bush Dancer
A fun animation with really good music, where we can see two russian buddies dancing to traditional russian music.
Russian Dancing Men
This animation shows the story of a pink pig, a sad story about how the only purpose in a pig's life is being eaten by the humans. Listen to this little pig.
Pig Pen
Incredible animation with the characters of Southpark fighting against the aliens. Its very violent, sensitive hearts be abstained.