Impostor Assassin
Help Thor save the world from the aliens and asteroids coming from space. Use your mouse or arrow keys.
Thor The Dark World City Flight
The streets of the city are safe with a police like you. Come face to face alone against the Mafia.
Gangster Pursuit
The Russian mafia has killed your best friend. Go in its secret place and kill all of them. Click on “how-to” to see the tutorial. It takes a bit to load ;)
Russian Affairs
Your goal is to destroy all the buildings of the city. Move with the arrow keys. Press space bar to hit them and fight with the police.
Doc OCK Rampage
You are the smart guy of CartoonNetwork you have created an invention but this time you has gone away a bit the hand...
Fugitive Robot
Help the Gun Bros get rid of all the aliens and protect our race. Use arrow keys to move and mouse to shoot the enemy.
Gun Bros Lite
Click over the houses to crush them. Collect all the gold you can. Use A to walk, W to jump and S to get down.
Troll Rampage
Fly over air defenses and destroy airplanes and enemy tanks. Get moving quickly and use the arrow keys if you don't want them to pluck you. Press X to shoot.
Bird Invader
Saw it
Help Captain America fight against Hydra, you have to aim to defeat your enemies and hit the targets. USe your mouse to fire.
Captain America
Defense Unit