Many puzzlez with different Kungfu Panda pictures. You have to pick and move the pieces to the right spot. Use your mouse to play.
Kungfu Panda 2 Jigsaws
Good fighting game where you can choose between single or multiplayer option. Be careful and defeat your enemy. Press A D to move, S to block and G to hit.
Alien Punchout
Ivan Drago the boxer that faced Rocky Balboa now it's in your hands. Use A,S,D to hit, get down and defend. Use the arrows to move.
Ivan Drago
Robot Ring Fighting
Fight with Bruce Lee in this great and entertaining graphic adventure.
Bruce Lee
Choose your favorite character and get inside a world where you will have to apply your best combat skills to beat your opponents.
INSTRUCTIONS: Use E,S,D,F and hit with G,H,B,N.
Hokuto No Ken
Help Captain America in his nightmare, you gotta protect the base and keep the huge bugs from getting close. Use the arrow keys to move, Z to kick, X to cover yourself, C to shield and space bar for energy.
Captain America Nightmare
Fight bravely on this action game for two players starred by Naruto and Luffy. Which of them do you think that is going to win? INSTRUCTIONS: Naruto: W,A,S,D to move, P to recharge power, U,I,O,L to attack. Luffy: Arrow keys to move, 0 to recharge energy, 6,7,8,9 to fight.
Naruto Luffy Fighting
Fight against this boy. begin with the level easy and some cards and arrows to guide you where you must to knock Check out on his position.
Fight Me
The thing that the elections in the United States are democratic, its just a lie, nobody believes it, prove it here :D
Presidential Knock Out
New edition of the saga King of Fighters where you must show how good fighter you are. Choose your favorite character and fight against your PC or some friend. Use W,A,S,D to move and J,K,L,U,I,O to hit.
KOF Vs Kingdom
Entertaining combat boxing game between 2 bunnies. Choose Bunny or Bilby and prepare yourself to give and recieve punches. Hit with A,D,Q,E. Use S to block the opponent attacks.
Easter Bunny vs Bilby