Eliminate all the cards from the table before the time finish. Make click in two near cards and with the same number. The cards can be near vertical, horizontal or diagonally. Make click in the pack to grab new cards. Make click in Shuttle to remove the cards from the table. Press Hint to get a clue.
Pixie Match
Have fun with this cards game, just like Spider Solitaire. Use your mouse.
Amazing voyage Solitaire
In this game you will have to win the major number of cards to your adversary. Choose the category of your superior card, and if your score is higher than the card of your adversary in the same category you win his cards. If you lose you lose your turn.
Pit Boss
Banana Poker
If you’re expert playing cards you should play this game. Bet and win!!
Ace Blackjack
Well dont need much explination, the classic solitaire of all the life to play it some games when you were bored
Orient Solitaire
Play the classic Solitaire and stack the cards in ascending order and by flush. Use your mouse.
Good Measure Solitaire
Solitaire Harvest
Solitaire Story - TriPeaks
Very entertaining game in wich you have to to make agree the color of bottom of letters to cheer to your guests
Wild West Poker
Magic Pond Solitaire