Manage your own amusement park and get many people to attend! Spend money in attractions that people will like and make them spend money on them as well. Build new things and place them in good spots. You've got 5 days to do it. Click on START DAY to begin and use your mouse to play.
Attraction City
Use your to protect the lor d of the Tower and put the tower defenses to remove all bad characters.
The Lord of the Tower
Move this spaceship with the arrows. Calculate the exact moment to get through the tunnel to reach your destiny.
Hell Crash
Castle defense
Alone Zombiewoods
A strategy game where you have to defend your base from the insect invasion. Put defense towers strategically on the way to get rid of them. Use your mouse.
Insects Wave
Drag your enemies with the mouse up to the high of the castle to fling them down. Then buy weapons with the money that you obtain.
Aseduim to the castle
A flowerly tower defense game. Eliminate all the plagues of insects and parasites that want to eat your garden. Create your garden to kill all the incoming bugs.
Garden Inventor
Click in Tower Defence to start playing. Manage your money and build a fort to avoid the enemy attacks.
Build homes, fabrics and headquarters and then using the inferior menu choose citizens to make them workers and soldiers. Make click on the constructions and trenches to assign them soldiers or workers. Choose your weapon and make click on the enemy soldiers to shoot them.
D fence 2
A game where you have to build and create a shop empire. You can choose the shop you want, pay your employers and earn money with the clients. Use your mouse.
Shop Empire
Drive to Wreck