Get rid of the stress and cut the flying fruits. Avoid the bombs or they'll make you lose. Use your mouse, this will be very fun!
Fruit Cutting
Prevent that the infection spreads out isolating the infected cells. Move quickly the mouse drawing circles. Try to surround the red cells before they mutate to black color.
A fun skills game, where you gotta save the Fluffys from a spider web they're trapped in, and let them fall into their nest. Use your mouse to pick the web you want to cut to make them fall into the right spot.
Fluffy Rescue
Peugeot hidden car keys
Collect the Gift Boxes
Zoo Panic
Drive your ship around the world and collect all red buoys to level up. Don't crash or you'll loose. Use your mouse and Space Bar.
Rock Port Buoy
How much time are you capable to survive avoiding the dangers of the road? Move with the arrow keys.
Grab carrots as you grapple from platform to platform. Rescue smiley friends in later levels. Use the left and right arrow to swing when you be Hung-up.
Mr Walters
Aim well and shoot the trapped people under the sea. Don't take too long or they'll die drown. You have limited weaponery. Use your mouse.
I Need Air
Maze Slider
Use the arrows to move this bunny and to change his backpack colour. Shoot with the spacebar to the fruits from the same colour.
Color Rabit