Have fun with this disgusting cartoon about a kid picking his nose in the metro. Guess what happens.
It seems that in the room something has missed, lets find out if you can realize what it is, whatch carefully
Something missed
To this little piggy boy it scratchs a lot his crotch help him to scratch it he will thank you
It scratch me
A new chapter of the Pencimation that we assure will make you laugh. Have fun with the pranks that will be played to the chef, a not very patient guy.
Pencilmation 27
A fun animation about a little demon that tries to help a kid with his math homework. As you can see, he's not that good with numbers.
Leo Satan
This animation shows the story of a pink pig, a sad story about how the only purpose in a pig's life is being eaten by the humans. Listen to this little pig.
Pig Pen
Don't miss this cool animation, a little comedy about building a temple for a pharaon with a funny ending, and a lesson for the angry king.
Ancient Egypt
Fighting fun between small stick dolls full of the hardest punches and thumps, with fire and incredible powers. Don’t lose it!
Pink Army
Do you know how does a hat freak behave? Find out in this fun animation!
Pencilmation 28
Second part of the animation about Leo Satan and his little human friend, we'll enjoy a chapter focused on sugar, even though it looks like something else.
Leo Satan 2
It is really screw the life of an egg, the poor life of it, all an adventure up to find its mother
The life of an egg
The saga Monkey Go Happy also has its corresponding version for Christmas, in which you must find all those monkeys in those snowy and decorated scenarios. Play and interact with the mouse. PATIENCE, THE GAME TAKES A WHILE TO LOAD AFTER THE SCREEN IS DARK...
Monkey Go Happy Lights