This animation tells the story of Captain Planet's mess, a super hero who's not living his best times and gets mad at the people who doesn't take care of the planet Earth.
Captain Planet Rampage
Mr Stunt wants to fly. Do not lose the stunts of this super character that is quite filthy. ¿ What can you expect of ass face?
Mr Stunt Butt Bird
A huge lesson from the scientist that studies the sound of the farts. He has named all kind of farts and you will able to hear them.
Profesor Farstmore
This half stick half TV character is a supervillain. He's very bad. Don't miss his adventures.
Supervillain 3
Entertaining animation where two cookers from a chinese restaurant sing you the mambo number 5 song.
Combo number 5
Do you know Mr Stunt? Better not. DO NOT PRESS THE RED BUTTONS. He wont stop of taking a big and nasty shit. Really disgusting.
Interactive Mr Stunt
An excellent animation full of action. A face to face combat with swrods and an awesome background music. Press the spacebar to stop the image.
Calico elctronico is chasing a quickly and naughty character. Will he catch him?
Calico el Correton
Pencilmation 23 The Wheel Mc Coy
This funny Valentine's day game will get two dudes fighting for the same girl. Have a laugh and find out how it ends.
Affair Thee Well
This is an animation of the new single of David Bisbal “Bulería” with a “singer” mouse and a “Dancer” Bull.
A new and bloody animation from the Madness saga, this time you can fight with every kind of weapon known and original attack techniques.
Xionic Madness 3